Do You Need to Be Smart & Intelligent to Make Money? A Greatway Financial Perspective


Most people would agree that being smart or intelligent is an advantage in life. Indeed, it is a bonus that may help us get where we need to faster, but it is not required, nor is it always better when it comes to making money. For instance, some people may be incredibly gifted in terms of academic prowess but may lack the people skills and emotional intelligence required to connect with others on a deeper level. Furthermore, our experience has shown us that making money often relates to recognizing opportunity and providing a solution – regardless of our IQ level.

Discipline, hard-work, tenacity and purpose are clearer indicators of success and money-making ability than intelligence alone. Intelligence can certainly help someone to accumulate wealth, but it is not the determining factor of wealth accumulation. There are many hardworking people who have studied hard and applied themselves only to find that their pay is average, while others have received minimal education and become very successful. (Related: You Shouldn’t Be Here)

Discipline, hard-work, tenacity and purpose are clearer indicators of success and money-making ability than intelligence alone.

Generally, most individuals compete in a workforce or marketplace whereby intelligence plays a limited role. In fact, in our personal experience, we’ve come to understand that business and the exchange of money is intrinsically connected to the exchange of people's relationships to their accumulated wants and desires. Often, what most consumers collectively consider of great value in the marketplace usually has little to do with intelligence. True interactions are considered because of true value added, and the emotional understanding of our collective and natural needs as human beings.

In conclusion, offering solutions to the needs of people who desire them does not require acute intelligence; possibly just practical insight. Our ability to have compassion and see things from another’s perspective is far more important than our natural intelligence level. The rules of value added, and business are governed by people’s ability to impact the lives of others. In our opinion, you need to add value to make money – regardless of how intelligent you may be. (Add Value)


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