Empowered Women, Empower Women


Maryhel Antonio

Continuing our series for Mothers for this month of May, we sat down with another Great Woman of Greatway, our Senior Vice President Maryhel Antonio. She came to Canada in 2005 and has been part of Greatway since 2011. A single mom and now a new grandmother, she talked about how Greatway helped her become a woman who is now empowering other women.


“You can have a part time business while being able to spend more quality time with your kids.


Even before Greatway, Maryhel already has a very enthusiastic and energetic personality. “My friends ask me, ‘Mahel, you're not selling anything, but you always seem like you’re asking people to buy something from you or join you in something. You’re always talking to people. What are you actually trying to sell?’ Nothing! I just love talking with other people,” our featured SVP said. She is known by friends and close colleagues as the “Life of the Party”. Whenever she steps in the room, everyone knows and after all her hardships, she is now using her confidence to instill the same thing in others.

“I actually left my kids in 2000 to go to Hong Kong. Five years later, I didn’t have any chance to bring them with me.  So, when I knew Canada can provide that opportunity, I grabbed it right away and came here as a contract worker. After praying hard for 3 years, I was able to bring them here.”  Maryhel thought that after she brought her kids to the land of opportunity that is Canada, it will be all rainbows and roses. “I thought I'm going to have a lot more bonding time with them now after leaving them when they were 1 year old and 3 years old. Unfortunately, I had to work four to five jobs to support them,” she said. “I worked many jobs because the more income you earn, the more taxes you have to pay.” Maryhel realized that more jobs did not mean that you get to take home more money and she was effectively exchanging her time with her kids to earn their living and it was taking a toll on her. “I thought I could ask the government for some support or relief but instead of me getting some benefits from the government, they told me ‘Actually you owe us some money’ and I was broke.” She really prayed for a solution because she did not know where she would get more money to pay for these extra bills.

“Being a single mom and not being able to finish university in the Philippines, it’s hard to expect any position that I can apply to which can provide me the income that I need to provide for my kids and also spend time with them.” Maryhel thought at least they are together now and that in Canada, there could be a better for opportunity for her kids’ futures until one of her son’s friends approach her. “It’s funny because the person who introduced me to the business that will change our lives was only 13 years old and he wasn’t even licensed that time.” Blessings and your angels can come to you unexpectedly. (Related: Have Faith)

She got her license in 2011 and since, she has inspired many people to be confident and pursue their goals in life. Because of her experiences too, she has a special focus and now lives with positive principles with one of them being, “Empowered women, empower women”. She explains to us that this is what she calls her team – M-Powered, “When they start to feel that I can do anything, that means they are empowered and by empowering others, I become empowered as well.” Maryhel said it has become a need for her to inspire and help people achieve their goals, “I start to feel good whenever I empower people.” She says that this is what she was meant to do. “I'm just an instrument of God. In the end it’s always for the good of all of us.”

“In Greatway we say, Family First,” Maryhel expressed how her business made a lot of difference with her relationship with her kids, “I'm sacrificing my time with them before but now we grew closer together.” “I started bringing them or more like dragging them to events and trips,” as Greatway provides lots of opportunities to travel around the world. “I remember one time they are the ones who were actually refusing to come with me. They told me ‘Can you please find a boyfriend so that he can come with you instead?’ They actually did not want to come to some trips anymore. Hahaha!” She says that one of the best things that she gained from Greatway is not only time for her kids but also time for herself. “We're not full-time advisors. This business actually gave me more time to spend with my family, even time with myself, and even time to find love and now I am happily married.”

“— it is exciting to help other people and that excitement translates into everything that she does.

She then, talks about how having more time for herself and her family as becoming an inspiration to her kids and now her grandkids. “Being a grandma is an amazing experience. Now the kids see me, and I can take care of my grandkids. It sets an example for them that in Greatway, you have to take care of your family first. They don’t see their grandma exhausted from working multiple jobs. ‘I can call her anytime, we can hang out whenever.’ I'm always there for them.” Maryhel said that everyone should be able to do this with their family. “You can have a part time business while being able to spend more quality time with your kids.” (Related: Greatway Allowed me to Experience Real Connections with my Kids)

“I’m the same way with my team, they contact me anytime and they see me how I am with my kids, and it inspires them to be like me.” She mentioned that it is exciting to help other people and that excitement translates into everything that she does. “With all the blessings that we received, there’s no way that I can complain so I’m always positive. You bring this positive energy at home, in our trainings and meetings. It influences the kids to live an amazing life. The energy is contagious, so it's flows outward as well.”

“When I started, there was no pandemic.” Maryhel reminisced the time when she was just starting to change her and her family’s life, “I actually failed my exams. I could have let it let me down, but I just held on to what results I know I will reach if I continue.” She also told herself, “If I'm not going to do this, my life will still be the same as five years ago.” She asked herself, “Am I providing for my kids? Am I going to lose my shot at my dreams? Am I going to be proud of me for doing this? What are other people going to say? What kind of mom do I want to be for my kids?” (Related: Greatway Financial Motivated my Will to Win for Future Generations)

“Whether you like it or not, you have to improve yourself. First, the way you think. Then, the way you feel. Then, the way you represent yourself. If you want to go and be a better person, then start feeling like a better person. You want to feel happy? Start giving happiness! Start being happy yourself first. It starts with you. Whatever happens, no one is going to tell you what to do but yourself. So, if you empower yourself, that's when you start to feel that you can do things even against the odds, even against your will. You’re still going to do it because you know that the result will improve not only your life, but also for everyone around you.” (Related: Add Value)

“I never think that I would experience this lifestyle today. I used to belittle myself. I didn't believe in what I can do,” Maryhel told us that there will be doubts and that is okay, but you need to see and take advantage of the chances that are given to you.

“I heard that people could change their life. So, I always say to myself, if other people can do it, I can also do it. Right? That's it! Always remember, you can do it. That's it. You always have the power to change your life. So, I say to you ‘Be Empowered, Let’s M-Power!’”

(Related: Our Mission with Greatway Financial)


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The Time you Put in will Pay Off


Greatway Helped me to Experience Real Connections with my Kids